Mentorship Awards

Image of Clara Bliss Hinds Finley

Dr. Clara Bliss Hinds was the first female graduate of GW’s medical school and graduated in 1887. Upon graduation, she was not permitted to join an internship or residency program, however she received support from another female physician, Dr. Ida Heiberger, who helped to break down barriers to education and training. Together they established the Washington Women’s Clinic in 1891 at 13th and T Streets and this is where Dr. Bliss Hinds got her clinical training along with other women physicians. The clinic operated for 60 years. Dr. Bliss Hinds left a legacy not only of clinical care but also of providing opportunities to other female physicians to access training and education.

The Clara Bliss Hinds Society is the George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences Group on Women in Medicine and Science. The overall aims of the Clara Bliss Hinds Society are to:

  • Facilitate career & leadership skill development; mentoring; and networking
  • Enhance the work environment for women
  • Promote equity in promotion, tenure, and recognition

for women throughout George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Mentorship Award:

The Clara Bliss Hinds Society at the George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences is pleased to announce a call for nominations for the second annual Dr. Clara Bliss Hinds Mentorship Awards.  

Applications are currently closed.

Nominators may submit nominations for any GW SMHS full or part-time faculty member of any gender who has demonstrated exceptional mentorship of female students, residents, fellows and/or faculty. Faculty may self-nominate. Nominees fall into the following categories based on length of career (not only years of service at GW):

  • Rising Star: 2-10 years after completion of post-graduate education (e.g., residency/fellowship, post-doc)
  • Shining Brightly: 11-20 years after completion of post-graduate education
  • Luminary: 21+ years after completion of post-graduate education 


  • Demonstrates positive impact on mentees
  • Demonstrates commitment to advancement of female students, residents, fellows, and/or faculty 

Nomination Packet Materials:

All materials can be submitted to clarabliss [at] (clarabliss[at]email[dot]gwu[dot]edu)  in a SINGLE PDF document with the subject line: Mentorship Award- First and Last name

  • Completed Nomination Form
  • CV of the nominee that includes a list or table of current and former Mentees and their accomplishments (example mentoring table from pg. 15 of SMHS APT manual), which could include professional development, scholarship, teaching, successful application to university/college, medical school, graduate school, residency, postgraduate training, scholarship, teaching, personal support and encouragement, among others. The CV should focus on mentorship and be no longer than 15 pages.
  • New for 2024- Nominee statement detailing perceived impact of mentoring (300 words max)
  • Two Nomination Letters (1-2 pages maximum): 
    • One letter should be from mentee(s) (current or former) and should include a description of how the Nominee has impacted their professional and/or personal development
    • One letter should be from a nominator of your choice
    • Letters can be written by more than one mentee/nominator OR include supporting comments from multiple mentees and/or nominators
    • Letters from supervisors and/or Division/Department Chiefs are not required.
    • Letters can be from individuals outside of GW SMHS and Children’s National.

Resources for Completing Nomination Packets:

In order to provide greater transparency in the scoring process, the Executive Committee is sharing its Scoring Rubric and Tips & Tricks for preparing an effective application.

Questions? Please email clarabliss [at] (clarabliss[at]email[dot]gwu[dot]edu) . The annual award winners will be recognized at the 3rd annual Clara Bliss Hinds Society Leadership Event on June 26, 2024. 

Past Winners of the CBH Mentorship Awards
2024 Winners

Rising Star Category

Dr. Maranda Ward, Assistant Professor of Clinical Leadership and Research

Dr. Maranda Ward, Rising Star Award

Shining Brightly Category

Dr. Shilpa Patel, Associate Professor of Pediatrics 

Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine (Secondary)

Dr. Shilpa Patel, Shining Brightly Award

Luminary Category

Dr. Zareen Zaidi, Professor of Medicine

Dr. Zareen Zaidi, Luminary Award
2023 Winners

Rising Star Category

Dr. Katherine Chiappinelli, Assistant Professor of Microbiology, Immunology & Tropical Medicine

Dr. Katherine Chiappinelli, Assistant Professor of Microbiology, Immunology & Tropical Medicine

Shining Brightly Category (Tie)

Dr. Jillian Catalanotti, Professor of Medicine & Health Policy and Management

Dr. Jillian Catalanotti, Professor of Medicine & Health Policy and Management


Shining Brightly Category (Tie)

Dr. Monika Goyal, Associate Professor of Pediatrics & Emergency Medicine

Dr. Monika Goyal, Associate Professor of Pediatrics & Emergency Medicine

Luminary Category

Dr. Marie Borum, Professor of Medicine & Prevention and Community Health

Luminary Category Dr. Marie Borum, Professor of Medicine & Prevention and Community Health
2022 Winners

Rising Star Category

Dr. Natalie Kirilichin, Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine (MFA)

Rising Star Category Winner, Dr. Natalie Kirilichin, Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine (MFA)

Shining Brightly Category

Dr. Gaetano Lotrecchiano, Associate Professor, Clinical Research & Leadership (SMHS)

Shining Brightly Category Dr. Gaetano Lotrecchiano, Associate Professor, Clinical Research & Leadership (SMHS)

Luminary Category

Dr. Lee Beers, Professor of Pediatrics (Children's)

Luminary Category  Dr. Lee Beers, Professor of Pediatrics (Children's)